

PerFlow is dependent on:

Dyninst and PAPI need user to build themselves. igraph has been integrated into PerFlow as submodule.

git submodule update --init

You can build dependencies from source codes or build dependencies with Spack (The recommended way to build Dyninst (with Boost) and PAPI is to use Spack)

spack install dyninst # boost will be installed at the same time
spack install papi
spack install libunwind

Environment Setting

If your dependencies are built from source codes, please use the following scripts to load the dependence libraries:

DEPLIST="papi-6.0.0 dyninst-10.1.0 libunwind-1.6.0"

for dep in $DEPLIST
    export PATH=${PREFIX}/${dep}/bin64:${PREFIX}/${dep}/bin:$PATH
    export INCLUDE=${PREFIX}/${dep}/include64:${PREFIX}/${dep}/include:$INCLUDE
    export C_INCLUDE_PATH=${PREFIX}/${dep}/include64:${PREFIX}/${dep}/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH
    export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=${PREFIX}/${dep}/include64:${PREFIX}/${dep}/include:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
    export LIBRARY_PATH=${PREFIX}/${dep}/lib64:${PREFIX}/${dep}/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PREFIX}/${dep}/lib64:${PREFIX}/${dep}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

If your dependencies are built with spack, please use the following scripts to load the dependence libraries:

# before building PerFlow
spack load dyninst # boost will be loaded at the same time
spack load papi
spack load libunwind

Build PerFlow

If your dependencies are built from source codes, the cmake commands for PerFlow would be like:

cmake .. -DBOOST_ROOT=/path_to_your_boost_install_dir -DDyninst_DIR=/path_to_your_dyninst_install_dir/lib/cmake/Dyninst -DPAPI_PREFIX=/path_to_your_papi_install_dir

# You should make sure that there is `DyninstConfig.cmake` in /path_to_your_dyninst_install_dir/lib/cmake/Dyninst
# And there is `include` `lib` in /path_to_your_papi_install_dir
# And there is `include` `lib` in /path_to_your_boost_install_dir, `boost` in /path_to_your_boost_install_dir/include

Note that if dyninst is built from source, the boost will be downloaded and installed automatically with it, in the install directory of dyninst.

cmake .. -DBOOST_ROOT=/path_to_your_dyninst_install_dir  -DDyninst_DIR=/path_to_your_dyninst_install_dir/lib/cmake/Dyninst -DPAPI_PREFIX=/path_to_your_papi_install_dir

If your dependencies are built with spack, the cmake commands for PerFlow would be like:

# build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..