Customizing performance analysis with PerFlow

Here we provide more examples to show how to customizing performance analysis passes and models:

Hotspot detection pass

Hotspot detection refers to identifying the code snippets with the highest value of specific metrics, such as total execution cycles, cache misses, and instruction count, etc. The most common hotspot detection is to identify the most time-consuming code snippets, whose specific metric is total execution cycles or execution time. The following code shows a hotspot detection pass.

# Define an "hotspot detection" pass
# Input:  The vertex set of a PAG - V
#         Sorting metric - m
#         The number of returned vertices - n
# Output: Hotspot vertex set
def hotspot(V, m, n):
  return V.sort_by(m).top(n)

Performance differential analysis pass

Performance differential analysis refers to a comparison of program performance conducted under the independent variables of input data, parameters, or different executions. The comparison helps analysts understand the trend of performance as the input changes. The performance difference can be intuitively represented on a top-down view of PAG, and we leverage the graph difference to perform differential analysis. Graph difference intuitively shows the changes in performance between program runs with different inputs.

# Define a "differential analysis" pass
# Input:  Vertex sets of two PAGs - V1, V2 
# Output: A set of difference vertices
def differential_analysis(V1, V2):
  V_res = []
  for (v1, v2) in (V1, V2):
    v = pflow.vertex()
    for metric in v1.metrics:
      v[metric] = v1[metric] - v2[metric]
  V_res.append(v) 11 return V_res

Causal analysis pass

Performance bugs can propagate through complex inter-process communications as well as inter-thread locks, and lead to many secondary performance bugs, which makes root cause detection even harder. Paths that consist of a parallel view of PAG’s edges can well represent correlations across these performance bugs in different processes and threads. We leverage a graph algorithm, lowest common ancestor (LCA), and specific restrictions to detect the correlations and thus achieve the purpose of causal analysis. The goal of the LCA algorithm is to search the deepest vertex that has both v and w as descendants in a tree or directed acyclic graph. The causal analysis pass is designed based on the LCA algorithm.

# Define a "causal analysis" pass
# Input: A set of vertices with performance bugs - V 
# Output: A set of vertices that cause the bugs
def casual_analysis(V)
  V_res, S = [], [] # S for scanned vertices
  for (v1, v2) in (V, V):
    if v1 != v2 and v1 not in S and v2 not in S:
      # v1 and v2 are regarded as descendants
      v, path = pflow.lowest_common_ancestor(v1, v2)
      # v is the detected lowest common ancestor 11 # path is an edge set
      if v in V:
  return V_res

Contention detection pass

Contention refers to a conflict over a shared resource across processes or threads, which leads to a negative impact on the performance of processes or threads competing for the resource. It can cause several kinds of misbehavior, such as unwanted synchronization or periodicity, deadlock, livelock, and many more, which need expensive human efforts to be detected. We observe that misbehaviors have specific patterns on the parallel view of PAGs. Subgraph matching, which searches all embeddings of a subgraph query in a large graph, is leveraged to search these specific patterns on the PAGs and detect resource contention. The contention detection pass determines whether resource contention exists in the vertices of input sets. The input of a contention detection pass is a set of vertices detected by the previous pass, while the outputs are the detected subgraph embeddings. We define a set of candidate subgraphs to represent resource contention patterns. Then we identify resource contentions by searching the embeddings of candidate subgraphs around the vertices of the input set.

# Define a "contention detection" pass
# Input:  Vertex set - V
# Output: Subgraph embeddings
def contention_detection(V):
  V_res = []
  # Build a candidate subgraph with contention pattern
  sub_pag = pflow.graph()
  sub_pag.add_vertices([(1,"A"), (2,"B"), (3,"C"), (4,"D"), (5,"E")])
  sub_pag.add_edges([(1,3), (2,3), (3,4), (3,5)])
  # Execute subgraph matching algorithm
  V_ebd, E_ebd = pflow.subgraph_matching(V.pag, sub_pag)
  return V_ebd, E_ebd

Scalability analysis model (ScalAna)

The scalability analysis task in ScalAna first detects code snippets with scaling loss and imbalance, then finds the complex dependence between the detected code snippets by a back- tracking algorithm, and finally identifies the root causes of scaling loss. We decompose the scalability analysis task into multiple steps. Most of the steps can be completed with PerFlow’s built-in passes, and we only need to implement the backtracking step as a user-defined pass. We build the scalability analysis model, containing three built-in passes (differential analysis pass, hotspot detection pass, and imbalance analysis pass), a user-defined pass (backtracking analysis pass), a union operation, and a report module.

# Define a "scalability analysis" paradigm
# Input:  PAGs of two program runs - PAG1, PAG2
def scalability_analysis_paradigm(PAG1, PAG2):

  # Part 1: Define a "backtracking analysis" pass
  # Input:  A set of vertices with performance bugs - V
  # Output: Vertices and edges on backtracking paths
  def backtracking_analysis(V):
    V_bt, E_bt, S = [], [], [] # S for scanned vertices
    for v in V:
      if v not in S:
        in_es =
        while len(in_es) != 0 
                and v[name] not in pflow.COLL_COMM:
          if v[type] == pflow.MPI:
            e = = pflow.COMM)
          elif v[type] == pflow.LOOP or 
                            v[type] == pflow.BRANCH:
            e = = pflow.CTRL_FLOW)
            e = = pflow.DATA_FLOW)
          v = e.src
    return V_bt, E_bt

  # Part 2: Build the PerFlowGraph of scalability analysis paradigm
  V1, V2 = PAG1.vs, PAG2.vs
  V_diff = pflow.differential_analysis(V1, V2)
  V_hot = pflow.hotspot_detection(V_diff)
  V_imb = pflow.imbalance_analysis(V_diff)
  V_union = pflow.union(V_hot, V_imb)
  V_bt, E_bt = backtracking_analysis(V_union) 
  attrs = ["name", "time", "dbg-info", "pmu"][V_bt, E_bt], attrs)

# Use the scalability analysis paradigm
pag_p4 = = "./a.out", 
                cmd = "mpirun -np 4 ./a.out")
pag_p64 = = "./a.out", 
                cmd = "mpirun -np 64 ./a.out")
scalability_analysis_paradigm(pag_p4, pag_p64)

The code above shows the implementation of the scalability anal- ysis paradigm, which consists of two parts: (1) Writing a backtracking analysis pass. We first write a backtracking analysis pass, which is not provided by our built-in pass library. This pass implements a backward traversal through communications, and control/data flow with several graph operation APIs, including neighbor acquisition ( at Line 13), edge filter (select() at Line 13, 17, 20, and 22), attribute access (v[...] at Line 15-16, 18-19), and source vertex acquisition (e.src at Line 25). (2) Building the scalability analysis model. Then, we build a PerFlowGraph with built-in and user-defined passes. The differential analysis pass (Line 30) takes two executions (i.e., a small-scale run and a large-scale run) as input, and outputs all vertices with their scaling loss. Then the hotspot analysis pass (Line 31) outputs vertices with the poorest scalability, while the imbalance analysis pass (Line 32) outputs imbalanced vertices between different processes. The union operation (Line 33) merges two sets (outputs of the hotspot analysis pass and the imbalance analysis pass) as the input of the backtracking analysis pass (Line 34). Finally, the backtracking paths and the root causes of scalability are stored in (V_bt, E_bt) and reported (Line 36).